human standing with high heel shoes model

Hello. This is my first time to use the Anybody.
I want to build the model of human wearing high heel shoes based on the human standing model from the AMMR v.1.6.1. Just consider gravity on human to estimate the muscle activities when people wear high heel shoes.
I have tried to lift the heel part of the foot like wearing high heel shoes. So I set the AnklePlantarFlexion to -10. But the model didn’t work at all. Then I tried to set a joint in heel contacting floor part. However, the model also didn’t work as what I want.
So what’s the method to build this kind of model? What’s the problem of my method?

Hello and welcome to the AnyScript Forum,

I am not sure what you did to change the AnklePlantarFlexion angle. I tried a few things to reproduce your problem and I saw that there could be problems solving the kinematic problems if you change the position of the heel node driver. Maybe that is one of the problems you have seen.

Anyway, to get started you could try to drive the standing model to stay in the position you would like. This can be done if you look into the JointsAndDrivers.any file where you can find the files RightFootDrivers.any and LeftFootDrivers.any. In these files, you can change the velocities of the heel drivers e.g. to 0.1

  AnyKinEqSimpleDriver RHeelGroundConstraint ={
    DriverVel = {0.1};

for the right side and similar for the left side.
When you run the InverseDynamics then, the model will end with lifted heels.

Please be aware that the feet of the standing model are modeled as a static segments. Thus, you will not see any bending in the toes or similar things. If you want to analyze standing in high heel shoes in more detail, you are probably interested in the GM foot model. You can find an introduction to this model on the wiki page or on the AnyBody YouTube channel, e.g.

Best regards