Input a new bike model

Hello all,
I have two questions about the bike model in “BikeModel3D”.
Can I input a new bike model (.stl) in “BikeModel3D”?
And, Can I transfer the original bike model (.anysurf) to CAD file to change the parameter of bike?

Thank you

Hi Chyilin

Yes you can import a new .stl file this is done using the AnyDrawSTL object please read more about it in the reference manual.

It is also possible to dump out the AnySurf file as a stl file, this can be done by right clicking on the bike drawing object (AnyDrawSurf) in the model tree and selecting export surface

Best regards

I’m using the model “BikeFullBody”.
I tried many times to import the bike model, but it can not show up.
Could you please tell me what the program I need to fix it.
And the original crank model was the .stl file, I also import the crank model with same form, but computer was crashed.
Could you tell me what can I do?

i think the problem could occour if the files are binary it has to be text
Best regards søren