Hello John!
Thanks for the answer. I will try to change SPLine.StringMesh
I just tried a model with a dumbbell of 4 kilos.
AnyFolder FitnessLoads = {
AnyForce3D Dumbbell_Right = {
AnyRefNode &DumbbellNode =
F = {0,-40,0}; //Force in Newton
//F = {0,0,0};
AnyForce3D Dumbbell_Left = {
AnyRefNode &DumbbellNode =
F = {0,-40,0}; //Force in Newton
//F = {0,0,0};
The kinematic analysis worked well exept a bunch of warnings, that I gess I
can do nothing about. But I got another kind of error than the previous ones
when doing the Inverse Dynamic analysis:
ERROR : C:\Documents and Settings\signeEX\My
y(93) : Study : Muscle recruitment analysis failed, simplex solver reports
that solution does not satisfy all constraints.
I am thinking that the kinematic analysis does not take into account the
dumbbell in the hand. Perhaps I must make a change in the COM driver to make
this movement with an external load.
Also I’m not sure that my FitnessLoad is correct. I have aplied a force 40 N
in a node in the hand F= {0,-40,0} in a direction that I think is the negative
vertical direction. But I don’t know if this direction referes to the global
vertical direction or to the y-direction of the node coordinate system. I mean
the force must be applied so that it is allways in the global vertical
direction. It think that the motion is slow enough so there will be no
centrifugal forces or something like that.
Best Regards,
AnyBody Support <support@anybodytech.com> wrote:
Hello Signe,
The error massage you are getting indicates that there is a problem
with some of the wrapping muscles. This could either be because of
some problem with the kinematics or - more likely - because the
muscles somehow slip off the surface they are wrapping on.
However, I am puzzled that you say that the KinematicAnalysis works
while the InverseDynamicAnalysis does not. In terms of the wrapping
it should not make any difference. If there is a problem with the
wrapping, it should appear already when you do the KinematicAnalysis.
So, is it correctly understood that with the same model you can run
the KinematicAnalysis but not the InverseDynamicAnalysis?
I propose the following:
- In the top of the main file, select a model version without
muscles by choosing the line
#include “…\BRep\Aalborg\BodyModels\FullBodyModel\BodyModel_N
Instead of the line
#include “…\BRep\Aalborg\BodyModels\FullBodyModel\BodyModel.a
Make sure the analysis you are working on works with works in the
model without muscles.
When the model moves as you want it to, switch back to the
version with muscles.
If you now get the problem with the error messages you mention
below, try clicking the number part of the error message. This takes
you to the place where the muscle is defined. Try increasing the
value of SPLine.StringMesh for the muscle in question and reload.
Best regards,
— In anyscript@yahoogroups.com, Signe Jeppesen <signejeppesen@…>
> Hi!
> I’m working with a standing fullbody model. I just want to
move the arms (elbow flexion movement). The kinematic analysis works
well, but the inverse dynamic analysis doesn’t. I haven’t changed
the COM driver for the standing model as it is in the repository.
The center of mass is not moving during the motion. Is this why the
dynamic analysis doesn’t work?
> I’m not working with the newest version of AnyBody. I have
only a student version that works together with Repository5.beta.
> I have added three drivers, one in the GHRot-joint and two in
the fore arm. The motion is equal for both arms. I try different
kinds of data input and check so that the kinematics works. But when
it comes to the Dynamic Analysis, there is allways something wrong.
The Dynamic Analysis actually succeded once when I excluded the
GHRot-joint and let the FE joint position vary from 1.4 to 2.8
radians. I would like the modell to be more flexible in the FE joint
since the input is data from inclinometer measurements. Also it must
be able to do the motion with a weight (4 kg) in its hands.
> AnyKinEqInterPolDriver RHumerusAngleZ = {
> AnyKinRotational &hum = .GHRotR;
> MeasureOrganizer = {1}; // Rotation about z.?
> Reaction.Type = {0};
> //T = .TimeFilt;
> //Data = {.TestHumFlex};
> FileName = “filtElbowFlexHumerus9mod.txt”;//about x
> //FileName = “ElbowFlexHumerus9mod.txt”;
> //FileName = “NoW_2slow.txt”;
> Type = Bspline;
> };
> //Elbow Flexion drivers
> AnyKinEqInterPolDriver RHandAngleZ = {
> AnyKinRotational Measure = {
> AnyRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.EnvironmentModel.GlobalRef;
> AnyRefNode &Hand =
> Type = RotAxesAngles;
> };
> MeasureOrganizer = {0}; // Only angle about z. ??
> Reaction.Type = {0};
> FileName = “filtElbowFlex.txt”;
> //FileName = “NoWslow.txt”;
> Type = Bspline;
> };
> //Wrist Rotation drivers
> AnyKinEqSimpleDriver RHandAngleRot = {
> AnyKinRotational Measure = {
> AnyRefFrame &Ground = Main.Model.EnvironmentModel.GlobalRef;
> AnyRefNode &Hand =
> Type = RotAxesAngles;
> };
> MeasureOrganizer = {2}; // Only rotation angle about x.
> Reaction.Type = {0};
> DriverPos = {90}*pi/180;
> DriverVel = {0};
> };
> ERROR : … : Triceps_LH_1: Unexpected exception in the library
OOSol:OOSol exception: General factorization exception in Factorize:
Negative pivot.
> ERROR : … : Unhandled exception in Inverse Dynamic Analysis
[Muscle Recruitment]
> ERROR : C:\Documents and Settings\signeEX\My
(736) : subscapularis_4 : Unexpected exception in the library
OOSol :
> OOSol exception : Maximal number of iteration was exceeded in
OOScg::solve :
> Deleting last loaded model…
> Model loading skipped
> ERROR : C:\Documents and Settings\signeEX\My
forearm.any(21) : Triceps_LH_2 : Number of allowed iterations
for contact solution has been exceeded in
> ERROR : C:\Documents and Settings\signeEX\My
forearm.any(46) : Brachialis_2 : Number of allowed iterations
for contact solution has been exceeded in
> Best Regards
> Signe
> ---------------------------------
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