Kinematic analysis failed in time step 0 : Position analysis is not completed

Hi everyone,
When I ran the ParameterIdentification or MarkerTracking, I got this error, I use AMMR.v2.4.1:

  1. Operation Sequence: (Operation: Main.RunParameterIdentification):
    0.0) Operation Sequence: (Operation: Main.RunParameterIdentification.ParameterIdentification):
    0.0.0) Dummy operation: (Operation: Main.RunParameterIdentification.ParameterIdentification.placeholder_operation):
    0.1.0) Kinematic optimization (Operation: Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.ParameterOptimization): Operation Sequence: (Operation: Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.Analysis): Kinematics (Operation: Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.Kinematics): PreOperation (Operation: Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.Kinematics.PreOperation): InitialConditions (Operation: Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.InitialConditions): ...Design variables have been updated. ...Load-time positions have been re-established. PreOperation (Operation: Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.InitialConditions.PreOperation): Operation Sequence: (Operation: Main.ModelSetup.Views.SetViewMacros.KinematicView): mcr (Operation: Main.ModelSetup.Views.SetViewMacros.KinematicView.mcr):

Macro command : mcr(1:1)> classoperation Main.ModelSetup.Views.KinematicView"Set View"

Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Progressing to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints.
Failed to solve kinematic optimality conditions and hard constraints after 5 fallback attemps.
Constraint violations for study 'Main.Studies.ParameterIdentification.KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification' :
Constraint #26 is above tolerance 0.1, error = 0.108738, constr. #5 in 'Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.JointsLumbar.SpineRhythmDrv'.
Constraint #38 is above tolerance 0.1, error = 0.107169, constr. #17 in 'Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.JointsLumbar.SpineRhythmDrv'.
ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN3) : KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.any(12) : KinematicStudyForParameterIdentification.InitialConditions : Kinematic analysis failed in time step 0 : Position analysis is not completed

I'm a new user so I can not upload attachments.
Best regards.

Plug-in-gait_Simple -> LowerExtremity.main.any

Hi @rgianoli

I looks like the model is having trouble to solve the constraints.
First a few questions that might help you identify the issue:

  • what model are you using?
  • what changes have you done to it?
    • did you add new drivers that could be conflicting?
    • Do you have a bad start position of something?
      • Settings better initial positions of things generally helps the solver to solve the equations.
  • are you missing something? GRF, external forces? etc?

Best regards,

Hi @Bjorn
Thank you for the reply, I use the TLEM2 model.
I have changed only the markers name and I have removed the upper body, I think the problem is with the initial position but I don't know how to set it right because now I'm using the position of the example.
I haven't the force plate so I can't add external forces.

Kind regards

Hi @rgianoli

Did you use the AMMR\Application\MocapExamples\Plug-in-gait_Simple\FullBody_GRFPrediction.main.any or is it a bvh model?
Did you turn of the upperbody with the INCLUDE_UPPERBODY statement?
How did you rename the markers ? in the MarkerProtocol.any file?
You can set the initial posture of the model in the TrialSpecificData.any file

Best regards,

I use AMMR\Application\MocapExamples\Plug-in-gait_Simple\LowerExtremity.main.any.
I renamed the markers with the name they have in the software used for the capture.
Yes, I know where I can set the initial posture but I don't understand where to find the right values to enter

Hi @rgianoli

If you don't have any force plates you need to explicitly enable the GRF prediction by adding #define USE_GRF_PREDICTION ON in your model. otherwise you are probably missing something to balance the model.

The initial position is adjusted manually to be closer to your c3d file. You just try to adjust the values based on the loaded position of the c3d file.

Best regards,

Hi @Bjorn,
Now I have tried AMMR\Application\MocapExamples\Plug-in-gait_Simple\FullBody_GRFPrediction.main.any and I put USE_GRF_PREDICTION ON but it still doesn't work and I have also modified the initial position.
This is the google drive link to the file:

I really appreciate if anyone could help me.
Best regards.

Hi @rgianoli

The c3d file you are trying to load does not have any of the expected marker names.
Your markers are named Unlabeled_<number> whereas the anybody model expect a standard marker protocol defined in the MarkerProtocol.any file.

You will have to rename the markers in the model to match the naming from your file.

Best regards,

I had already changed the name of the markers.

Thanks again for your help and sorry for the many messages.

Hi @rgianoli

Great that you already did that!
After a second look it seems your c3d file is in meters while the model expects milimeters.
In the C3DSettings.any file there is a PointsScaleFactor which you can set to 1. that seem to do the trick in the model you send me.

Best regards,

Hi @Bjorn,
I also got the same problem. I am sure I got the right starting position. But the RUPA and UELB has swapped. Do you know how to swapped them back and how I can solve this problem?

Hi @Qi7890

In the MarkerProtocol.any file you can make the _RUPA marker point to the RELB label in your file and vice-versa for the _RELB

Best regards,

Hi @Bjorn
Sorry, I located to the _RUPA marker and _RELB marker, but I have no idea how to point them.

Best wishes,

Good, now at the line that says MarkerName = Qi_S8_RUPA that tells the CreateMarkerDriver class to use the Qi_S8_RUPA data in the c3d file to construct the models _RUPA marker.

If you put Qi_S8_RELB instead and do the opposite for the _RELB then you will effectivly "Swap" those to markers.

Best regards,

Thank you @Bjorn
I have swapped them successfully and I am run analysis for this model again.
But it still have this same error. :sob:

Hi @Qi7890

Did it help switching to a newer AMS version?

Best regards,

Hi @Bjorn,

Yes, I updated my AMS version, and the problems were solved.

Thank you for your kine help!

Best wishes,

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