Kinematic error adjustment


Where can I modify the kinematic error for marker tracking in the AnyMocap framework?
When I go to studies, marker tracking, and kinematics, I see the kinematicTol but when I right click and select locate in AnyScript, I can not find where it is located in the script.


Hi Mina,

KinematicError is an output of the study. However, you can define KinematicTol. A lot of settings in the studies can be modified but they have a default value, so they are not explicitly defined in the script. When you try to locate such a setting in AnyScript, it will just point you to the parent class that defined the default value because it has not been explicitly defined in the script.

You can change these settings by defining them yourself. If you want to change the kinematic tolerance, please add the following line somewhere in your LabSpecificData.any:

Main.Studies.MarkerTracking.Kinematics.KinematicTol = 1e-6; // define kinematic tolerance

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Thank you, Dave! It helped a lot.

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