Knee Int/ext Rotation

Hello everyone!
I’m starting to practice with ANYBODY so I apologize in advance if my question might sound silly but I hope someone can help me.
For the moment I’m using the default template MoCapLowerBody to understand how it could be useful to me for some studies and would like to know if it is possible to display the trend in the chart view for the internal/external rotation of the knee. I see that the software automatically provides the trend for the int/ext rotation of the hip so I was wondering if you could get even that of the knee somehow.

Hi Jonathan,

The short answer is that it is not possible with the current model since the knee is a revolute joint so there is no internal/external rotation.

So if this is important you will need to alter the knee joint of the model, you will probably also need to add more markers on the leg to have this motion well described.

Best regards

Hi Søren,
Thank you for having responded.
I also have another question to better understand.
Because the knee is modeled as AnyRevoluteJoint is not allowed even the translation between the tibia and the femur?
I ask because there would be another parameter of interest to me: the so-called AP displacement.

Hi Jonathan,

That is correct the revolute joint leave only one dof open to move and that is flexion/extension.

It is possible to alter the joint to be different but, I would not recommend to do this as one of your first task in AnyBody.

If you are only looking for kinematic output only, so no muscle forces no inverse dynamic simulation etc it becomes simpler and you may consider to do it.

Best regards