label coordinate systems

is there a possibility to label an AnyDrawRefFrame? In my file there
are some coordinate systems i need for visualization of different
points and i like show their names in the model view window. I prefer
simple solutions. Thank you very much, best regards, Maren.

Hi Maren

I don’t think this is possible, I don’t know if it will come in the
new version of the software. What you can do is to make the different
coordinate systems different colors.

Best regards
Christian, AnyBody Support

— In, “Maren” <anystarter@…> wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a possibility to label an AnyDrawRefFrame? In my file there
> are some coordinate systems i need for visualization of different
> points and i like show their names in the model view window. I prefer
> simple solutions. Thank you very much, best regards, Maren.

Hi Maren

The AnyDrawRefFrame can not do this, but it is possible to do using a
AnyDrawVector, by setting the Text object and using a zero length

Best regards

— In, “Maren” <anystarter@…> wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a possibility to label an AnyDrawRefFrame? In my file there
> are some coordinate systems i need for visualization of different
> points and i like show their names in the model view window. I prefer
> simple solutions. Thank you very much, best regards, Maren.