Marker Protocol on Bone

Hi, I am Shim

Previously, I used C3D files created by attaching markers to the skin and utilized the given MarkerProtocol in AnyBody. However, I am now planning to change the method and use Motion Builder to create C3D files by attaching markers to the bones, as shown in the attached photo. It seems that AnyBody does not provide a basic code file tailored to markers attached to the bones. Can you help me? The positions where I attached the markers are RASI, LASI, T10, C7, RKNE, RTOE, RHEE, LKNE, LTOE, LHEE, RSHO, LSHO, RELB, LELB, RWRA, and LWRA.
Thanks for helping me.


Hi Shim,

Welcome to the AnyScript Forum! And apologies for the delay in the reply.

Normally, the mocap model has a MarkerProtocol file that you can access through the LabSpecificData.any file. You can edit the marker protocol file according to your marker setup. You should be able to get around by commenting out the markers that are not in your protocol.

Please see these resources for more info:

Please also note that it may not be enough information to drive the model with just the joint centers. For example: when the arm is straight, GH rotation and elbow pronation act along the same axis you can end up with gimbal lock. Likewise, when the leg is straight, you may not have enough information to resolve hip rotation, ankle flexion and sub talar eversion. Also, how do you plan to drive the head? You can use the weak mannequin drivers if you don't have markers for the head.

Best regards,