MaxMuscleActivity for selected muscles

Hello to all,

what exactly is the MaxMuscleActivity? Is it the activity of the muscle that has the highest activity of all muscles, i. e. is there a muscle in the model that has exactly the activity MaxMuscleActivity and all other muscles have a lower activity? How can i find out which is the muscle with this highest activity?

And another question: I would like to know the highest muscle activity for a selected number of muscles. How can a do this within AnyBody? And if this is not possible: How can i export the activity of ALL muscles including their names?

Thanks for your help,


Hi Thomas,

The MaxMuscleActivity is not only one muscle. It is the envelope of the muscle activity for all the muscles of the body. It gives the maximum activity among all muscles through time.

I think that also answer your second question, the MaxMuscleActivity being for all the body muscle selected. In the folder selected output you can also find the maximum activity for each limb separetly. You can also create your own maximum activity output for a customized selection of muscles (see the SelectedOutput file for example of how to procede).

Finaly you can use an AnyOutputFile to export as text file or csv the activity of a costomized list of muscle (that will include the names).

Best regards, Sylvain.

Thanks, Sylvain,

but is it also possible to find out to which muscle the MaxMuscleActivity belongs?



Hi Thomaz,

What you can do is plot the muscle activity of all muscles together in the same graph. You can do so by using the sign * in the chart window instead of the muscle name.

It may be a little messy but the top envelope of all those curve is the MaxMuscleActivity, and you can see which muscle is creating it for a given time.

Best regards, Sylvain.