Bit of a strange one.
I’ve been trying to run the MoCAP GM foot model, and it opens the file ok, but when I attempt to load it, it shuts down AnyBody completely.
I’m running AnyBody 6.0, with the AMMR v 1.6.3
Earlier, it would load but I had the Python error, and so I’ve just updated my Python to 2.7.11 (as it was only 2.1), so I am sure this is contributing to the problem, but don’t know how to solve it?
I just checked and accidently the 32-bit version was installed, so have updated to 64 bit - but it still has the same issue - closing when I attempt to load.
I have double checked the model and it works for me
I have Python 2.7.11 |Anaconda 2.4.1 (64-bit) installed, please start a command prompt and write python and check it writes the same, notice 64 bit
I was using AnyBody version : 6. 0. 5. 4379 (64-bit version) and the associated model that I extrated from the Demo tab. Please open the about box and check you have the same.
If you have both AMS and python to be the same please write exactly what t says before it shuts down… we need to know how far the loading process progressed…
It is the 64-bit version, despite what it says.
I’ve checked with a colleague who uses Python far more than me, and she has the same version & has had to change external coupling libraries to run 64-bit - she believes the prompt output is a print error.
Certainly it’s the only 64-bit version available to download from for 2.7.11
I don’t suppose you’ve any other suggestions? Should I try Anaconda instead? Is there something else I can check?
Please try to install the 64 bit Anaconda python that i have and make sure you get the same response as i had when writing in the command prompt, i think this will solve the problem.
Success! Thank you very much.
Seems you’re quite right - worth noting for other users that the 64-bit version to download on the Python website is clearly not the same as the Anaconda version.