MoCap Model with C3D and Type 5 Force Platform

Following the instructions from AnyBody Technical Services my team and I have input our c3d file into the LowerLegModel. The instructions are as follows:

  1.   They need to copy the C3D into the Input folder and replace the name of the used C3D file in the trialspecific file from default C3D name into the new name.
  2.   Switch from Inverse to Motion and Parameter Optimization
  3.   Try to load the model
  4.   You will get a error message, probably because the markers in your C3D are different than in the default C3D, click on the link in the marker and edit the name…
  5.   Go on with all markers
  6.   Upload the model to the forum about this special forceplates.

We believe to have done these correctly and have been instructed to upload the file to see if it can be debugged to use a Type 5 force platform that allows for a subject to have both legs on a singular platform.

We have also been experiencing this error, which we have been told is normal, however we would like to know what it means and how to potentially fix it:
ERROR(SCR.PRS25) : H:/AMMR/Ap…on/E…s/M…l/Model/C3DSettings.any(4) : ‘SqauttingActivityRecording’ : Identifier cannot be resolved at preprocessor evaluation moment.
Model loading skipped

Our C3D file has also been included for further reference but must be unzipped

Thank you for your help,

Dear John,

I tried to open your C3D file using Mokka which is a kind of open-source software that can load C3D files:

And it seems that your C3D file does not look normal.
For instance, the trajectory of markers don’t look nice, and the orientation of the fore plate seems wrong.

Which brand of the motion capture and the force plate did you use for your experiments?

First, you should check whether you C3D file is normal in order to be used with external software.

Best regards,


Thank you for your help this far. The equipment we have been working with to acquire our models is optitrack cameras which run through a program called motive, in this program our rigid bodies are created. From there we use the data which synchronizes with another program call The Motion Monitor, this is also the name of the company we have been working with. In the motion monitor we set up the model by differentiation of joint centers and the landmarkers we established earlier. The force plate we are using is and AMTI Accusway force plate Model:ACS-PLUS.

The company we have been working with has also never heard of Anybody so this maybe the reason behind the incompatibility. Also we had to have our system remodeled because we synchronized emg, force plate, and MoCap data into one file which the company has never exported as a c3d before.

I will talk to the company to see if they have any knowledge of this and reply back. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Thank you,

Hello Moonki,

We have resolved our issue with the C3D file and it seemed that we were not exporting the file correctly due to incorrectly naming each marker. I attached our workspace that we used and this is from the initial LowerLegModel that we downloaded from the website. We were able to load our model with the new attached C3D file (this file is attached), however we are receiving an error when we try to run the actual model. We are able to see a model but it does not produce any results or movements. We have attached a picture of the error so you can take a look at that and any help on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. We were also hoping someone could send us the Type 5 Force Plate code or input it into the script and then send it back to us because we had to turn the forceplate data off as it was giving us an error when we tried to load the model. We had to turn this off because the code was about the type 4 plate and we have the type 5. We are also wondering if the EMG collected data from our quad, hamstring, and calf is successfully transferred and represented because we are not seeing any muscles in the dynamic model. We believe it is due to the error we are receiving when trying to load the model with the InverseDynamic set to on, we also attached a screenshot of this as well.

Thank you very much for your help,


Hi John,

Is it correctly understood that this tread is now continued here

Then i will consider this one as closed?

Best regards

Yes, and thank you for your support.
