MoCap Wheelchair data

Hey there,
I am a beginner concerning Anybody and Anyscript. Most probably I am now at the point where I can say I have some sort of overview but concerning my problem I am at my wits end^^

Working with the MoCap FullBody Model I want to use C3D-Files from several wheel chair rides. After activating/deactivating markers to have the same from both model and C3D-File I get the Error message when running the optimization study: …Load-time positions have been re-established.
WARNING! NAN reached!
Unexpected error in computational kernel
Constraint no. #0 in ‘Main.Studies.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.ShoulderArm.Mus.ArtificialRake.LinCom2Drv’ above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.100000.
Constraint no. #0 in ‘Main.Studies.HumanModel.BodyModel.Left.ShoulderArm.Mus.ArtificialRake.LinCom2Drv’ above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.100000.
ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN3) : U:/2…o/D…o/A…o/AMMR/A…n/M…s/M…l/M…l/Kinematics.any(74) : MotionOptimization.InitialConditions : Kinematic analysis failed in time step 0

Trying to change all sorts of tolerances doesn’t even have an effect on the error message.
So going by the Tutorial “Making things move” this message indicates a Problem with non-matching markers. But now all markers are more or less “on each other” and I am still receiving that same error message.

Question to you: What am I doing wrong?!
Maybe the attached image will help.

Do you need additional Information? I could attach the markers.any, trialspecificdata.any and one of the C3D-Files of interest, if that helps/is allowed?


Please upload your model on the debug section then we can have a look at:

Best regards,