MoCapModel on the up and down stairs in Anybody

I want to do a gait experiment up and down the stairs. I plan to put the wooden blocks on the force plate to simulate the situation of going up and down stairs.Due to the addition of wooden blocks, the gravity of the blocks also affects the results. How should I modify it when I run MoCapModel in Anybody? Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Hi babaozhou,

I suggest you take a look at this example in AMMR:

which is based off of this setup:

You can create however many ‘stairs’ you want out of your blocks, just make sure to zero the force plates once the blocks are situated/before recording motion capture.

Hope this helps to get you started.

Best Regards,

Hi Christine

Thank you for your quick reply. This helps me a lot. Can I ask how to make the force plates to zero. Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Hi babaozhou,

Glad to help. You should be able to zero your force platforms in whichever software you use for data collection.

Best regards,

Hi Christine

Thank you very much for your reply. I will try it.

Best regards,

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