motion of pelvis

Dear Team AnyBody,

I have 3 markers on pelvis (RASI, LASI, SACR). I want to check the motion of pelvis (Pelvic angle in the sagittal plane, in the frontal plane and in the transverse plane). Where I find information about them?
What mean PelvisRotX, PelvisRotY, PelvisRotZ, PelvisPosX, PelvisPosY, PelvisPosZ?
Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Dear Jystina,

PelvisRot x, y, z are the rotations of the pelvis with respect to the x, y, z axis

PelvisPos x, y, z are the translations of the pelvis with respect to the x, y, z axis

Depending how the subject walks in your lab/reference system, you might be able to use the PelvisRot instead of sagittal, frontal and transverse plane. Otherwise you will have to make your own measure.