moving node point dependent on joint angle using interpol function

hi, I want to make muscle via point to move according to joint angle, not time.

is it possible using interpol function?

In anyFuninterpol reference manual, this sentence is wrotten.

“This class provides a vector function of a single parameter that interpolates between data points spaced. We shall consider this parameter to be ‘time’, but it can of course be any parameter you enter as argument to the function.”

but I don’t know how to make moving point depedent on joint angle



If you want to implement the moving via points, you can’t just use the AnyRefNode objects inside an AnySeg object.

You should create some dummy(massless) AnySeg objects and create some kinematic constraints between the main segment and the dummy segment.

And, you can define a kind of linear relationship between a joint angle and the movement of those dummy segments using AnyKinMeasureLinComb objects.

Please find a detail description of AnyKinMeasureLinComb class and its corresponding example from the reference manual.

Best regards,