Dear AnyBody experts:
I am trying to estimate the joint&muscle forces during walking and assign them as boundary conditions for FE. I am using AnyBody 6.0.1, and I started with MoCaplModel provided in AMMRv1.6.1. By making necessary changes in the InverseDynamicStudy I was able to generate a xml file for all the joint/muscle forces. Because I used the default tstart and tend nStep (around 3-4 walking cycles), this file is around 34 Mb.
Before I even try to generate an Abaqus input file based on this xml, I wonder if anyone has previous experiences and might be able to provide some suggestions. Specifically I wouldn’t be surprised if I run into problems due to the size of musculoskeletal analysis results. What’s the recommended length of loading time or if there is a limit of how big the analysis should be?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Best regards