Muscle recruitment solver

ERROR(OBJ.MCH.MUS4) : C:/U…s/t…k/D…p/A…3/AMMR/A…n/E…s/S…l/SitUpModel.Main.any(70) : Study.InverseDynamics : Muscle recruitment solver : solver aborted due to singular KKT matrix.

Hi dear Sir I am facing these problem whenever I tried to change number of steps from 51 to 5 or 10 please help me out sir.

#include “…/libdef.any”

// Find a detailed description here
#include “Model/Description.any”

Main = {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Path to draw settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------
#path BM_DRAWSETTINGS_FILE “Model/DrawSettings.any”

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Model configuration:
// For more info on body model configuration options please load the model and double click on:
// #include “<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>\Documentation\BodyModel.param eters.any”
// ----------------------------------------------------------

// The Mannequin file specifies load-time positions for all the segments
// in the HumanModel. This is important for the model’s ablity to resolve
// all the kinematic constraints when the model is analyzed.
// The mannequin file also drives those degrees of freedom of the human
// model that are not governed by problem-specific drivers at run time.
#path BM_MANNEQUIN_FILE “Model/Mannequin.any”


// Model of the human body to be used for the analysis
#include “<ANYBODY_PATH_BODY>/HumanModel.any”

/// The actual model where all components are assembled
AnyFolder Model =
/// Body model without default drivers
AnyFolder &HumanModel=.HumanModel.BodyModel;
/// Reference to the mannequin folder (used by drivers)
AnyFolder &Mannequin =.HumanModel.Mannequin;

#include "Model/Environment.any"   

AnyFolder ModelEnvironmentConnection = {
  #include "Model/JointsAndDrivers.any"

//--&gt;Folder for design parameters
AnyFolder Parameters = 
  AnyVar Distance_From_PelvisContactNode_To_HeelNode = 0.6;

//--&gt;Use of the object name to insert additional objects inside
HumanModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.PelvisSeg = 
  AnyRefNode ContactNode = 
    sRel = .Scale({-0.02, -0.18, 0});
    AnyDrawRefFrame Drw = 
      ScaleXYZ = 0.1*{1, 1, 1};
      RGB = {1, 0, 0};


AnyBodyStudy Study = {
AnyOperationShellExec ConvertToAPDL=
FileName =“AnyFE2APDL.exe”;
Arguments ="-i\C:\Users amuk\Desktop\AMMRV1.6.3\AMMR\Applicati on\Examples\SitUpModel\Model\ForceL5.xml-o\C:\Users amuk\Desktop\AMMRV1.6.3\AMMR\Applicati on\Examples\SitUpModel\Model-t\C:\Users amuk\Desktop\AMMRV1.6.3\AMMR\Applicati on\Examples\SitUpModel\Model\APDLsitup.txt";
WorkDir=“C:\Users amuk\Desktop\AMMRV1.6.3\AMMR\Ap plication\Examples\SitUpModel\Model”;

AnyFolder &Model = .Model;

tEnd = 10;
Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};
nStep = 5;
AnyMechOutputFileForceExport ForceOutput = 
   FileName = "Output\ForceL5.xml";
   /*NumberFormat = thats fine t
   Digits = 15;
   Width = 22;
   Style = ScientificNumber;
   FormatStr = "";
   AllSegmentsInStudyOnOff = Off;
   XMLformatOnOff = On;
   UseRefFrameOnOff = Off;
   AnySeg &L5Seg = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5S  eg;
   AnyRefFrame &L5RefFrame = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5S  eg;

AnyMechOutputFileForceExport FE_out =
FileName = “files_in/ForceL5.xml”;
UseRefFrameOnOff = On;
AnyRefFrame &L5RefFrame = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5S eg;
AllSegmentsInStudyOnOff = Off;
XMLformatOnOff = On;
//AllSegmentsInStudyOnOff = Off;
AnySeg &L5 = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.SegmentsLumbar.L5S eg;

//include the next line to have a camera in the model

}; // End of study

// Include an operation sequence to run all required steps of your application (see Operations tab)
#include “<ANYBODY_PATH_TOOLBOX>\Operations\RunAppSequence. any”

}; //Main