I am using motion capture data as bvh data and use the inverse dynamics function in anybody to get the muscle activity of several muscles in the shoulder.
Sometimes I have the following error: no kinematic joint angle data available after t= x sek, as you can see in this Screenshot:
Does someone know what is the problem? Is it possible to fix in anybody? Or is it a problem of my motion capture data?
I loaded the model several times and I also tried to skip the frames in which the problem occurs, but it didn´t help.
The error message pretty much explains the problem. There is an output file containing joint angles that is exported during marker tracking. If you don't run or interrupt the marker tracking process (or there is an error in marker tracking), you may have an incomplete file and then inverse dynamics analysis will not have data for continuing the analysis.
But from your screenshot, I believe you are running the RunAnalysis operation that should run MarkerTracking before inverse dynamics analysis. Can you please confirm that MarkerTracking was successfully completed?