Is it possible to input model from SolidWork to Anybody without using the plug-in. I have the standard license without having th SolidWork2Anybody and am thinking of inputing the solidwork model. is it possible without having the plugin installed???
Hello. My name is Syafiq. I’m current using the AnyBody software for my Final Year Project. And I’m quite new to this software.
I would like to ask regarding on the steps to model object without the plug-in. I found out that I couldn’t click on the mass properties once I opened the solidworks’ STL file for the individual part that I have saved. Unlike the solidwork file itself, whereby I could view the mass properties. So, is it necessary to save STL file? And what could we do with the file after we saved it?
Your question is related to SolidWorks than AnyBody Modeling System.
Personally I don’t know how to extract mass properties from STL files inside SolidWorks as you noticed.
AnyBody Modeling System uses STL file format for visualization.
If you don’t use SolidWorks2AnyBody, then you should prepare the mass properties by yourself. But we can’t answer how to do that because that is beyond the scope of AnyBody.