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my name is Jesse I’m new to the group.
I’m interested in learning body modeling.
I still have not been able to install properly
the Anybody program, please help me to get the license
to run it.

Thank you!


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Hi John,

  Thanks for your reply. Your reply regarding the standard joint

answered my question to some extent. I am giving a sample description of
my problem.

For better understanding of the problem I am attaching a simple figure
as well. I have two segments ‘A’ and ‘B’. Both are attached by revolute
joint (as of now I am makingit a 2D problem, later I want to convert it
into 3D by attaching a spherical Joint). We can assume these two
segments similar to Upper and Lower Jaw in human or any animal. There is
a tooth attached to Segment ‘A’, let us call it ‘T’. The tip of the
tooth ‘T’ should follow a user defined path described by two coordinates
(x,y). This coordinate data is supplied from file (a file containit
three columns, time, X position and Y position respectively). The two
segments are attached by muscles as shown in figure.

Now my questions are

  1. Is it possible to drive the tip of ‘T’ using the data in a file?
  2. Can I attach an “AnyStdJoint” instead of revolute joint and make it
    behave like an revolute joint to suffice my needs?

Thank you.


Kiran S Konakanchi
Graduate Student
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
State University of NewYork at Buffalo
1022 Furnas Hall

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Right now I have two working models of an individual propelling a
wheelchair (well, actually only one push stroke - the hand-on/hand-off
time within the pushstroke). One model is driven kinetically, one is
driven kinematically. Ultimately, I want to combine the two models
into one model. So I started small and have taken my
kinematically-driven model and added a dummy segment to the right
palm, on which I apply three-dimensional forces. I can load the model
and SetInitialConditions, and I can run a KinematicAnalysis completely
through, however when I try to run an InverseDynamicsAnalysis, I get
the error message,

“Wheelchair.Main.any(80) : Study : Muscle recruitment analysis
failed, simplex solver reports that solution does not satisfy all

Any suggestions as where to start and what might possibly be the
problem? As I said, the two models I started with are not exactly the
same model, however both are working when I try them individually.



First off, thank you for your help in getting my one-armed shoulder
model up and running. I was indeed forgetting to drive the
pronation/supination joint in the arm.

I have a couple of new (unrelated) questions however. First off, I
have two models in Repository 5 that I had previously adapted from
the wheelchair model, driven by Vicon motion capture points and by
force data from the pushrim, however I can’t get them to run in the
new version of AnyBody. With some minor changes (such as changing
the Axes to Axes0, the r to r0, etc) The model compiles, and the
SetInitialPosition function works, however when I run the
InverseAnalysis part of the study, the study fails about halfway
through due to the fact that the “solution does not satisfy the
constraints.” The models worked perfectly before (honestly though, I
have been doing some clinical stuff and haven’t looked much at
modeling for a couple of months now). Any suggestions?

Secondly, in reviewing some past webcasts, I had a question regarding
slide 10 in the Shoulder Modelling and Analysis webcast. The slide
show what appears to be a 3-D Matlab solution with lmt versus lmt dot
versus Fm, Ft, and Fp. How was this plot generated? From outputs of
a run model into Matlab? Or did you graph the min/max criterion in
Matlab? I’m just a little confused on the axes and how you got
information for the axes.

Thank you for your help,

I am Jalal.Arabneydi,MSc student of electrical engineernig(control) at
University of Teharn.My thesis is about gait therapy via an inetelligent
control system that has an ability to balance and assist the patient to
walk on treadmill while patient is protected and ballanced via a BWS(Body
Weight Support) system.
I have some questions about peresented gait model in anybodytech.
1)I think,this software via markers which mounted on body,calculates the
shape and by having the mass of segments and muscles and position data,the
reaction ground forces are achived,doesn’t it?or are there invidual
sensors for sensing force?
MY PLANT:patient is waliking on treadmill while it is been unloaded via a
2)to investigate the affect of unloading system in reaction ground
forces,can we change some parameters or settings to achive the reaction
groung forces in differnet unloading?(known unweighting).in other
words,can we apply a force to pelvis against gravity direction so that
software can caluculate new forces with previous data set or previous
I’m looking forward to your response.

Best Reagards.


My name is Toony, an Msc Student in biomedical engineering at Hull University.ÂÂ
I am using the anybody software to model a squat motion and am having serious
problems. Can anyone out there help me look at my script and check why the
inverse dynamic is not computing. Will be much appreciated.


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Is there anyone I can talk to about the spine model? I have been
working with it daily since July 2008 and I cannot get my data to work
correctly. Is there a number where you or someone who works on the
spine model can be contacted?

Lacey Bresnahan
Rush University
Chicago, IL