Not able to see the equations in the reference manual v6.0.4

Hi there,

Am I the only one having difficulty reading the content of the reference manual (AnyBody v. 6.0.4) ? I cannot see the equations (see attached png). When I put my cursor over the symbols, I can see the character though.

I tried the reference manual v5.3 and there is no such problem.

Thank you.


Hi Pierre,

thanks for telling us, we will fix this in the next release!

Hello !
same problem here. Even if I put my cursor hover equations, I’m unable to see a “correct” layout.

Would it be possible to get the reference manual page of the AnyKinSPSheet by another way ? In fact I am aboslutely unable to understand the informations because of the equations layout. Maybe would you have it in pdf and could you send it to me via e-mail ?

Thank you !

Hi Lauranne,
“if nothing goes wrong” we will release 6.0.5 tomorrow. The formulas have been fixed in there.

Aha ! Great !
Thank you !

just to tell I uploaded my version to v6.0.5 and manual reference is fine :slight_smile: There is just an equation I cannot see: in the AnyKinSPSheet function page, the very last equation (please, see attached screenshot). Could you write here the equation?


The forumla is behaving weird

Thanks !!