OBJ.MCH.KIN1 in model of Human-device interaction

I'm currently working on a model of human-device interaction, where the device is constructed as two beams with common rotation axis, where both feet are attached to the free ends of both beams. It's the MoCap-driven model, where both human and device kinematics are driven by markers. It's the movement of lifting the knees up. The GRF prediction was implemented on both feet within the body-device interaction area, with the beam ref frame as a PLATE_BASE_FRAME. I also used the modified GRF prediction for the beams-ground interaction and for the axis-ground interaction. The feet-beams interaction is also constructed similar to the CrossTrainer example with the use of joints. The device is also connected by joints and moves well in marker tracking. I made all the necessary steps according to the GRF prediction documentation.
My marker tracking analysis goes well but the inverse dynamics study breaks with the OBJ.MCH.KIN1 error: Model is kinematically indetermined.
How can I fix it?

Best regards

Hi Dobrochna,

Welcome to the AnyScript Forum!

I am not really able to imagine your model, but my guess is that somehow your model is not included in the inverse dynamics study. The error states that. All the joints and segments that you have made for your device are probably included in only the marker tracking study.

Can you please check if this is the case? To fix this, you can open the scope of the inverse dynamics study and include reference to the folder containing your model.

Best regards,


You're right.
So I figured out that indeed, my device segments position was not implemented in the inverse dynamics study. I made some additional coding based on the mocap example with the box. The method worked for my model with the bar with loads placed on the shoulders but when I used that for this model, the error now shows my model is kinematically over-constrained. When I use a diffrent solver, the study breaks in step 0 too.

Where should I look for some clues?

Best regards

Hi Dobrochna,

I think, it's simply a question of counting the degrees of freedom and constraints. You want to have the same number of constraints as the degrees of freedom. I would suggest making a simple sketch and determining all the constraints that you need for your device and then implementing them in AnyBody. From your message, there are too many constraints that you have added, and the kinematics can't be solved.

An alternative could be to use the over determinate solver, but I don't think it's needed. And it can still break if you have constraints that conflict with each other.

Best regards,

Hi Dave,

Thank you for the response. The model has indeed too many constraints but I don't know how to reduce it.
The axis has 6DOF and 1 constraint in rotation applied with a driver. It also has 2 markers on it to determine its position in marker tracking study. Both beams are attached to the axis with the revolute joints with only 1DOF left for x-axis rotation. Beams are also driven with 2 markers for each beam. The beams' ends are attached to the feet with soft linear drivers, leaving 3DOF for each connection. The axis and beams lin and rot position is exported in marker tracking and implemented in inverse dynamics, similar to the box example. All of the legs' joints drivers are off. I don't know what else can I do to reduce the number of constraints.

Do you know what I did wrong?

Best regards


I managed to even out the DOF and constraints of the whole model and currently both are 456. I did it by excluding from inverse dynamics some joints and drivers that are needed for the marker tracking. However, the error still appears that the model is kinematically over-constrained and when the other solver is used, the error "solver aborted due to singular KKT matrix" appears.

I also measure reaction forces both in the device drivers and in device-foot connections.

Maybe it's the matter of the GRF prediction?

Best regards