Optimization and validation

Dear AnyBody representative,

I would like to ask what type of optimization method is used in the latest AnyBody software and also specifically in FDK and what are the assumptions used?

Also, kindly provide me with references (if recent would be better) about validations of the software especially in calculating muscles forces and reaction forces/joint angles of the spine in the software.

Thank you

Hi @faa198501

If you are referring to the solving of the muscle recruitment you can read about the optimization problem here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpat.2006.09.001
A good place to start on FDK theory is this paper: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4037100

For validations of spine movements and calculation of reaction forces you must seek the work of other researchers and their publications. The AMMR provides good models to start from and examples on how to validate certain aspects of the models, but the end user must ensure the neccesary validity of their models.
We curate a list of publications using our software here that can be a good place to start.

Best regards,

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Thank you very much for your kind response

this post is really good, thank you for sharing your reply with us

thank you for sharing your reply with us..

you are most welcome

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