Parameter study tutorial does not function


i try to run from the Parameter study tutorial with AB ver. 4.0.1 but i get the following warning:

WARNING(SYS4) : C:/D…n/t…s/D…p/O…e/ARep/A…g/O…l/ : Study.InverseDynamicAnalysis : Deprecated Object/Member
AnyBodyStudy has been redesigned for AnyBody 4.0. This member is deprecated and initialization has no effect. Notice that AnyBodyStudy1 temporarily implements features of previous versions of AnyBodyStudy. Notice also that AnyBodyStudy1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
99.0) Operation Sequence: (Operation: Main.Bike2D.ParamStudy.Analysis):
99.0.0) InverseDynamicAnalysis (Operation: Main.Bike2D.Study.InverseDynamicAnalysis):

At the end there are no results (so WARNING is a bit understated). Does someone know the reason for the error?

Thanks, Thom

Hi Thomas,

As the warning says, the AnyBodyStudy has been redesigned in version 4 with a new syntax. However all the tutorials have not been updated yet and some of them still use the old syntax. Those should be updated soon.

In version 4 the menber InverseDynamicAnalysis is now called InverseDynamic. You should use the new syntax together with version 4. Please see the applications of the AMMR.1.0 for exemple of the complete new syntax of the AnyBodyStudy.

Best regards, Sylvain.