Pectoralis wrapping cylinder not included during CalibrationStudy (old AMMR 1.6.2)


For my master I am continuing a previous shoulder simulation thesis project that was done on an older version of Anybody and on AMMR 1.6.2 in 2015. To describe it a little bit, it’s a model that changed the glenohumeral joint and studies how it influenced forces during abduction.

I would like to run this model but I have access to the newer version of Anybody (7.4.2) but with all the files necessary to run the old model. When I try to load the model I get this error message about the Pectoralis minor2 wrapping cylinder being missing during the ArmCalibration3 while it actually exists.

WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN10) : ArmCal3.any(299) : ArmCalibrationStudy3 : A segment appears to be missing in this study. The missing segment : Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.ShoulderArm.Mus.Pectoralis_minor2_cyl.Cylinder.Cyl

I also see in the AMMR 2.0.0 changelog page ( that this issue was fixed “Fixed a bug where a the Pectoralis wrapping cylinder was not a included in the calibration study”.

So I would like to know if there was a way to fix this issue since it seems to be a previous bug fixed in an older version of the AMMR. It would be very useful to be able to run this file to be able to port it on the newer AMMR version.

Thank you in advance for your help,
I can provide more details If needed,


Hi Dan,

Just to be sure, when you say you have all the files to run the old model, are you trying to load the body model from AMMR 1.6.2 or AMMR 2.4.* (from AMS 7.4.2)? Can you please confirm if the libdef file of your model points to the newest AMMR version?

Best regards,

Hello Dave,

I am trying to load the model from AMMR 1.6.2. It's a project that modified a bit the AMMR 1.6.2 model so I have the exact files that were used by the previous person. The only difference is that I use a way newer version of anybody.

Best regards,

Hi Dan,

I would highly recommend that you use the latest version of AMMR. But I can understand, depending on the changes you have made for your model, it may not be so easy to port it to the newest version of the AMMR. Please note that the improvements to the body models come from updates in the AMMR. Running an older AMMR version on latest AMS would not include any of the improvements and bug fixes that have been made in the AMMR.

But I believe you could probably fix this warning by including a pointer to the wrapping cylinder in the arm calibration study. So maybe somewhere in your main file or model, open the scope to ArmCalibrationStudy3 and include the pointer like this:

Main.HumanModel.Calibration.RightArmCalibration3.ArmCalibrationStudy3 = {
  AnyFolder &cylinder = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.ShoulderArm.Mus.Pectoralis_minor2_cyl.Cylinder;

Likewise, please do so for the left side.

Hopefully, this works.

Best regards,

Hello Dave,

Thank you for the quick answer, I will try that !

And yes I want to begin a new model from scratch on the newest AMMR but I want to be able to see the outputs and movement of the old model to help doing the new one.

Best regards,


Thank you for your help it worked, it fixed the error message !

Have a good day,


That's great! Thanks for the feedback

Best regards

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