Plotting values into chart

I am trying to make a chart from some values using "plot value" when right-clicking the variable but I don't get the option of charts for plotting. I get a small rectangular menu that is not clickable. please kindly help

Hi @faa198501

Nice to see you here on the forum!

Could you maybe post a screenshot of the menu that you get ?
What variable are you trying to plot?

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

I didn't get the same error again and I am not sure which variable but if I got it I will post the screenshot... but I have another issue, how can I make anybody point to the new AMMR folder which I copied to remove the "access denied" error...thank you

Hi @faa198501

Great to hear that the error got resolved.

To point you model to a new ammr you use the libdef.any file - most likely specified at the top of your model like this:

#include "libdef.any"

You can change this to point it at your new copy of the ammr - something like:
#include "path/to/new_ammr/libdef.any"

Best regards
AnyBody Technology

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your kind help

I am working on the FacetJointModel. Why the FacetL4L5R.val is always zero even if changed the PCSA value of different parameters of Multifidi muscle? Also what do the following variables stand for and what is the difference between them?: MFdL4S1Par, MFmL4SacrumPar, MFtsL4SacrumPar (1.86).
How can I find the reaction force Of L4L5 in different directions such as proximodistal, mediolateral, etc?

thank you very much

Hi @faa198501

The FacetL4L5R.val parameter is part of the contact force implementation of the facet joints.
You can find how it is computed in the <ANYBODY_PATH_MODELUTILS>\FrictionContactMuscles\ContactSurfaceLinPush.any file.

The resultant reaction force of the facet joint is found in the Main.Study.Output.ReactionForceL4L5.Val

To see the reaction force in the individual directions you can go to the source parameter: Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.JointsLumbar.L4L5Jnt.Constraints.Reaction.Fout

As to this:

Also what do the following variables stand for and what is the difference between them?: MFdL4S1Par, MFmL4SacrumPar, MFtsL4SacrumPar (1.86).

These folders are the muscle model parameter folders of individual muscle branches. They contain the tendon slack length l_0, maximum force of the muscle f_0, the muscle belly volume vol_0 and the PCSA of the muscle branch. Each of the muscle branches in the AMS have their own muscle model parameters, so if you wanted the total of the multifidi muscle you would have to sum up the individual branches.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Thank you for your kind reply. Is it possible to find the reaction force Of L4L5 in different directions such as proximodistal, mediolateral, etc? Please let me know

Thank you

Hi @faa198501

If you go to Main.Study.Output.Model.BodyModel.SelectedOutput.Trunk.JointReactionForce you can find the individual directions.

The ReactionForceL4L5.Val is the root sum squared of the three directions.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Thank you very much. what is the difference in meaning between "d", "m", "ts" After "MF" in MFdL4S1Par, MFmL4SacrumPar, MFtsL4SacrumPar ? what does each of them measures?

Thanks in advance

Hi @faa198501

It is the names of the individual Multifidus muscle branches MF = Multifidus and d, m, ts refers to what layer they are part of "d" is the deepest an they only span one vertebra, "m" spans two vertebras and "ts" spans more than two.
As mentioned above the folders ending with "Par" is the muscle model parameters for each muscle.
In AMS each muscle is defined as a AnyMuscle (or derived class) and they need a AnyMuscleModel class to function.
So you can find the muscle itself: Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.MusclesSpineRight.Multifidi.MFdL1L3 and the corresponding muscle model: Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Trunk.MuscleParametersSpineRight.MultifidiParameter.MFdL1L3Par

These two are linked, and to alter the strength you would change the values in the muscle model.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Thank you very much. This is very helpful. I really appreciate it

I would like to add flexion value to reach 90 or 110 degrees from upright position in the facetjointmodel but i get an error in values more than 30 degrees or so. Please kindly help me to be able to reach a value of 110. Thank you

Hi @faa198501

Could you please post the error message you are getting?

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Thank you very much. These attachments are the error i get. thanks again

I think the posture you are aiming at is beyond the normal range of motion for a human.
You are trying the flex the spine 90-110 degrees without any pelvis rotation.
To the best of my knowledge I do not think the normal range of motion goes beyond 60-65 degrees. and your model gives an error at 77degrees. If you look at your model view you will also see that the ribcage is all the way in to the pelvis.

You could try to add a driver to the pelvis rotation since that movement would probably accompany such a high thoracic flexion.

I also noticed that you have the Reaction.Type of the PostureDriver default to "On" in all degrees of freedom. As it is now the movement that the driver produces is carried by the reaction force in the driver, so no muscle force will be recruited to perform the motion.
You can add Reaction.Type = {Off,Off,Off}; inside the driver to turn the reaction force off.
For the future we have added the AnyKinMotion class that have this as default.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Thanks a lot for your reply. But if I changed the value of the gravity in FacetJointModel would I be able to achieve the 110 degrees of flexion? And how can I do that?

I really appreciate your support

Hi @faa198501

You can change the gravity vector in your study definition with:
Gravity = {0,-9.81,0};
and then change the x,y,z values as needed.
However, it will not improve the posture you are trying to reach.
You are still bending the normal outside what can be considered normal range of motion.
as mentioned earlier you can try and add a rotational movement to the pelvis to allow for more thoracic flexion.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Is it possible to prescribe forces to facet joints and get motion from it? If so how can I achieve that?

I really appreciate your help