Plug-in gait markers of upper body for MoCap


I want to analyze a model driven by a C3D file with plug-in gait markers. However, I have just upper body markers including LASI and RASI but without LPSI and RPSI (because they could not be seen in the motion analysis). Therefore I out-commented every Marker in the Markers.any file I don’t have.

Now I get an “posinterpol: unresolved object” error message for the mannequin file. Are the LPSI and RPSI markers necessary for the MoCap model? Or is this my fault?

Best regards,
Max Felsner

Hi Max,
if you click on the link of the error, it will point you where it occurs. LPSI and RPSI are usually used to setup the initial position of the model.

Hi Amir,

thank you for your quick reply!
I clicked the link of the error and got in the Mannequin.any file at the line where the AnyParamFun RPSI is set with the PosInterpol from the RPSI marker of the c3d file. Of course it cannot setup the model when I do not have a RPSI marker in my c3d file.
Is there any way to set the PosInterpol or the AnyParamFun RPSI manually?

Best regards,

Do you have another marker in that area? Maybe in the Lumbar area? You could replace that section in the mannequin.any with another marker.

Please upload the model if you cannot get it running.


the problem is that the subject was lying in his handcycle and therefore no markers on the back were used. I tried to set the RPSI and LPSI manually but failed. Now I uploaded it in the debug section:

Maybe you have an idea how to manage this. Otherwise I would have to setup my own model.

Best regards,