problem about detail hand model in MOCAP

Hi, I’m trying to analyze the hand kinematics using a mocap model example.

I modified the mocap model to make the model’s hand to move and I used c3d files.

I tried to MotionAndParameterOptimizationSequence but, i got following error messages.

Failed to resolve kinematic constraints. Newton relaxation too small. (final kin. error = 2.757642E-001)
Constraint no. 252 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000032.
Constraint no. 253 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.001568.
Constraint no. 254 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000348.
Constraint no. 255 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.001047.
Constraint no. 256 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000121.
Constraint no. 257 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000318.
Constraint no. 258 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000628.
Constraint no. 266 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.002167.
Constraint no. 267 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.006487.
Constraint no. 268 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.002560.
Constraint no. 269 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000443.
Constraint no. 270 above error tolerance 0.000001, error = 0.000906.

ERROR(OBJ.MCH.KIN3) : E:/P…s/A…y/A…0/A…3/AMMR/A…n/E…s/M…l/M…l/Kinematics.any(74) : MotionOptimization.InitialConditions : Kinematic analysis failed in time step 0

I tried lots of trials(changed the initial motion, reduced the differences between red and blue markers, change markers set-up like Opt and Weight) but, errors above appeared again and again.

So, I compared fullbody mocap model in example folder and I found that there are at least 2 markers on 1 segment. Is it related to errors above?

thanks for your any replies in advance.

thank you

woo-seong Choi