problem of Gaitfullbody


I’m trying to GaitFullbody
But Some preoblems are happen
First, I’m running gait01.c3d file using GaitFullbody.
so I found the Jonit moment data and drew a graph of result value.
But Looking at the graph, the resulting value is suddenly change
so I wonder that these cause Maybe is motion data preblem or inverseDynamics analuysis preoblem.

I’m running Gait01.c3d file
during inverseDynamics analysis, error message appear like picture
Maybe Right arm is twist in Model view.
How do i fix this problem?

thank you for reading my poor english
I attach the file related to Gait01 and Gait 03
I look forward answer
thank you


Could you please upload the zip files of your models?
Then we will try to figure out what the problems are.

Best regards,


Thank you for your answer.
I received an answer at Anyscript forum.
but file is large data. so the file takse so much time to upload
I proposed that the zip file send an e-mail.