I’m trying to model a flexion task in StandingModel and I need the legs fixed in the vertical direction (Instead of CoM driver). I’ve deleted the CoM driver from “JointsAndDrivers.any” folder and altered a Driver for the hip joint as follows:
AnyKinEqSimpleDriver HipMotion= {
AnyJoint &Jnt=Main.HumanModel.BodyModel..Leg.Jnt.Hip;
DriverPos = {-90pi/180}; // Vertical upper leg
DriverVel = {0.0};
Reaction.Type = {Off};
What is the problem with this driver? I get an error like this:
ERROR(SCR.SCN6) : C:/U…s/M…d/D…p/A…5/A…n/A…0/Body/A…n/B…s/i…e/MannequinDrivers.any : GLOBAL_DRIVER_SWITCH : Unexpected.
Please help me to handle this problem. I’m using AMS v4.
Best Regards.