Problem with model mocap

Dear Team AnyBody,

[b]I have problem with loaded new data c3d to AnyBody (I used MoCapModel Lower Body).

I adjusted place markers and I added new forceplatform (ForcePlaform1) to classes.any, but when I want to run MotionAndParameterOptimizationModel
I see problem:[/b]

Macro command : RunMotionAndParameterOptimizationSequence(5:5)> run

5.0) Kinematics (Operation: Main.Studies.MotionOptimization.Kinematics):
5.0.0) PreOperation (Operation: Main.Studies.MotionOptimization.Kinematics.PreOperation): InitialConditions (Operation: Main.Studies.MotionOptimization.InitialConditions): …Design variables have been updated.
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN6) : D:/any/AMMR…emo/Body/A…n/Trunk/Interface.any(84) : rot : Close to singular position : Orientation close to Gimbal Lock, i.e., first and third axis of rotation being parallel …Load-time positions have been re-established. …Kinematic analysis completed. The kinematic constraints have been resolved. …Initial conditions are fully updated.
5.0) Kinematic analysis…
5.64) …Kinematic analysis completed
Total simulation time: 4.978

And I can’t run InverseDynamics.

  1. InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence (Operation: Main.InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence):

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(1:8)> classoperation Main.Studies.LoadParametersOptimizationResults “Load design” --file="…/Input/LowerBody-5-OptimizedParameters.txt"

Main.Studies.LoadParametersOptimizationResults : Loading design…
Number of values read : 25
Number of design variables not found : 0
NOTICE(OBJ.DES3) : D:/any/AMM…mo/A…n/E…s/M…B/Input/Markers.any(182) : rthighX : Design initialization : Design variable’s value was updated

NOTICE(OBJ.DES3) : D:/any/AMM…mo/A…n/E…s/M…B/Input/Markers.any(350) : lmallZ : Design initialization : Design variable’s value was updated
NOTICE(OBJ.DES3) : D:/any/A…o/A…n/E…s/M…B/I…t/TrialSpecificData.any(75) : PelvisWidth : Design initialization : Design variable’s value was updated
NOTICE(OBJ.DES3) : D:/any/A…o/A…n/E…s/M…B/I…t/TrialSpecificData.any(75) : ThighLengths : Design initialization : Design variable’s value was updated
NOTICE(OBJ.DES3) : D:/any/A…o/A…n/E…s/M…B/I…t/TrialSpecificData.any(75) : ShankLengths : Design initialization : Design variable’s value was updated

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(2:8)> classoperation Main"Update Values"

Updating expressions…
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN6) : D:/any/AMMR…emo/Body/A…n/Trunk/Interface.any(84) : rot : Close to singular position : Orientation close to Gimbal Lock, i.e., first and third axis of rotation being parallel
…Finished updating expressions

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(3:8)> operation Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InitialConditions

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(4:8)> run

4.0) InitialConditions (Operation: Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InitialConditions):
4.0) …Design variables have been updated.
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN6) : D:/any/AMMR…emo/Body/A…n/Trunk/Interface.any(84) : rot : Close to singular position : Orientation close to Gimbal Lock, i.e., first and third axis of rotation being parallel
4.1) …Load-time positions have been re-established.
4.2) …Kinematic analysis completed. The kinematic constraints have been resolved.
4.3) …Initial conditions are fully updated.
Total simulation time: 1.14

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(5:8)> operation Main.Studies.HumanModel.Calibration.CalibrationSequence

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(6:8)> run

6.0) Dummy operation: (Operation: Main.Studies.HumanModel.Calibration.CalibrationSequence):

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(7:8)> operation Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InverseDynamics

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(8:8)> run

8.0) InverseDynamics (Operation: Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InverseDynamics):
8.0.0) PreOperation (Operation: Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InverseDynamics.PreOperation): InitialConditions (Operation: Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InitialConditions): …Design variables have been updated.
WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN6) : D:/any/AMMR…emo/Body/A…n/Trunk/Interface.any(84) : rot : Close to singular position : Orientation close to Gimbal Lock, i.e., first and third axis of rotation being parallel …Load-time positions have been re-established. …Kinematic analysis completed. The kinematic constraints have been resolved. …Initial conditions are fully updated.
8.0) Inverse dynamic analysis…
ERROR(OBJ.MCH.MUS4) : D:/any/A…o/A…n/E…s/M…B/M…l/InverseDynamics.any(29) : InverseDynamicStudy.InverseDynamics : Muscle recruitment solver : solver aborted after maximum number of iterations

I atched my model.
I’ll be very grateful for your help.

Best regards,

Dear Justyna,

I tried to load your model but I could not do that.

  1. The marker names in your C3D files do not match with those in the ‘Markers.any’ file in the ‘Input’ folder.

  2. Also it will be better if you can set some proper values of ‘FrontFrameOffset’ and ‘LastFrameOffset’ in the ‘TrialSpecificData.any’ file.

I would recommend you to read the following wiki page very carefully:

Best regards,

Moonki, thank for your response.

I attached my model again, with other file c3d. But again I can see “WARNING(OBJ.MCH.KIN6) : D:/AMMR/AMM…emo/Body/A…n/Trunk/Interface.any(84) : rot : Close to singular position : Orientation close to Gimbal Lock, i.e., first and third axis of rotation being parallel”

Best regards, Justyna

Hi Justyna,

I am looking at this post is it correctly understood that it has been moved to this tread and has been solved.

Just want to avoid having open the post not answered.

Best regards


i run inverse dynamics and have a error show that

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(1:8)> classoperation Main.Studies.LoadParametersOptimizationResults “Load design” --file="…/Input/FullBody-lifting5kg-OptimizedParameters.txt"

Main.Studies.LoadParametersOptimizationResults : Loading design…
ERROR(OBJ.DES3) : D:/a…h/A…g/A…o/A…n/E…s/M…l/M…l/InverseDynamics.any(50) : LoadParametersOptimizationResults : Design initialization : Failed loading design values from file. The file could not be opened for reading.

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(2:8)> classoperation Main"Update Values"

Macro command : InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence(3:8)> operation Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InitialConditions

Error : Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InitialConditions : Select Operation is not expected or object is not AnyOperation.

At error 1:8 I think that it can’t find lifting5kg-OptimizedParameters.txt so i try to open file input and meet that it have Fullbody-lifting5kg-euler-rightlegtd.txt, Fullbody-lifting5kg-euler-trunk.txt, Fullbody-lifting5kg-euler-rightarm.txt and Fullbody-lifting5kg-euler-leftlegtd.txt file.
but don’t has lifting5kg-OptimizedParameters.txt file. I want to know that i understand my error right?. Tell me that what should i do?

Thank you


You need to run the entire model from the start - the system will generate all necessary files from your C3D file (if everything else is set up correctly).

Please make sure your model is not in the Program Files, because this would prevent files from being written.

Kind regards,