Protocol for markers in MoCap model


I’m working on MoCap model. I just want to know what’s the protocol for markers related for the MoCap model, where I can find some documentation about that?

My question is because I have some results but I don’t know how Anybody calculates the angle between the trunk and thigh, or maybe it calculates the angle between the thigh and iliac spine.

Any information would be gratefully received.


Hi Carlos,

Please search for the Vicon Plug-in Gait protocol to find a detailed description. I believe our model by default matches this protocol. We have additional markers on the hand as compared to the Vicon Plug-in Gait protocol. But it is quite easy to switch to another protocol if needed.

Your question about what is being measured exactly does not relate to the protocol itself - so you may not need it. Effectively the hip joint angles are measured between two coordinate systems, one being positioned in the acetabulum, and the one in the hip joint centre.

For more information and better understanding I suggest you to visualize them:

Main.Studies.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Jnt.Hip.ThighNode = { 
 AnyDrawRefFrame fr = {RGB={1,0,0};};
Main.Studies.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Jnt.Hip.PelvisNode = {
 AnyDrawRefFrame fr = {RGB={0,0,1};};

Similarly you can visualize other joints.


Hi pavel,
Thank you very much, I will use your recommendations.