Question about unit

Hi, I’m Sungwoo Park from Korea.

For this time, I got some questions about unit used in AnyBody script.
As far as I know, the unit of length in AnyScript is meter(m), am I
right? But the problem is, the marker data of my gait model used
millimeter(mm) for their coordinates of the markers. So, when I tried
to put marker data into the GaitUniMiami model, the units of my data
and GaitUniMiami were different. Should I change the unit of my data
before I use them in AnyBody? Or is there any solution for this
problem? Please help me~

Sungwoo Park

Hi Sungwoo,

Yes the units are meter. Basically you are free to both options. You can
change the data before you import it, but you can also simply scale it in
AnyBody. Just multiply your data with a scalefactor.

Best regards,


From: [] On Behalf
Of cizofu11
Sent: 11. december 2008 12:00
Subject: [AnyScript] Question about unit

Hi, I’m Sungwoo Park from Korea.

For this time, I got some questions about unit used in AnyBody script.
As far as I know, the unit of length in AnyScript is meter(m), am I
right? But the problem is, the marker data of my gait model used
millimeter(mm) for their coordinates of the markers. So, when I tried
to put marker data into the GaitUniMiami model, the units of my data
and GaitUniMiami were different. Should I change the unit of my data
before I use them in AnyBody? Or is there any solution for this
problem? Please help me~

Sungwoo Park

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