Questions about LowerBody MoCapModel AMMR v.1.6.5


I use the LowerBody MoCapModel AMMR v.1.6.5.

How to find out the number of components of this model and some other parameters:

[li]The number of segments, joints, muscles and ligaments[/li][li]The DOF of the joints[/li][li]The parameters of the simple & the hill type muscle model[/li][li]A description of the scaling process based on body weight & height and the MoCap markers[/li][/ul]
Maybe there is a documentation or there are some publications that I cannot find.

Thanks in advance

Hi Fritz,

We are constantly working on improving the documentation of AMMR, and in the next release of AMMR we have put some extra effort into this, it will probably not answer everything but some of it.

I have tried to add some links as answers to your questions, please also look at the webcasts.
[li]The number of segments, joints, muscles and ligaments: Please see
[/li][li]The DOF of the joints
[/li][li]The parameters of the simple & the hill type muscle model: For the shoulder see this link
[/li]For the leg see this link
[li]A description of the scaling process based on body weight & height and the MoCap markers: please see and

Best regards

Hi toerholm

I use the Lower Body MoCap model, so there is no shoulder, but did you mean The Lumbar spine Model?

How many additional muscles are used for the trunk in Lower Body MoCap model besides the TLEM muscles for the legs and the pelvis?

Am I right that the whole process including the use of the C3D markers is described in the supplement of Lund2015 as "linear scaling"?
The pelvis width, thigh, shank, and foot length are scaled by the marker trajectories and the scaling in the perpendicular directions is done by length-mass-fat scaling law (ScalingLengthMassFat.any)

How is the trunk scaled in the Lower Body MoCap model?

Kind regards


So what would be the best way to get a full list of all muscles with number of facies and muscle model parameters for the Lower Body MoCapModel?

Thanks in advance

Hi Fritz,

The best way to obtain such information is through the modeltree.

The values of the muscle parameters of a loaded model is scaled values so these values change with the size of the subject.

The best way to see the actual values are do use the ModelTree, you can dump the content of folder to the message window, but it quickly become large the dumped content, so you can not just dump it all

I am curios what do you need the muscle parameters for ?

Best regards

Hi toerholm

For a supplement.
I don't need the parameter of each muscle, but the default values of the simple and the hill type muscle models used in the Lower Body MoCap model (before scaling) and the references for these values.

Am I right that the whole process including the use of the C3D markers is described in the supplement of Lund2015 as "linear scaling"?
The pelvis width, thigh, shank, and foot length are scaled by the marker trajectories and the scaling in the perpendicular directions is done by length-mass-fat scaling law (ScalingLengthMassFat.any)

How is the trunk scaled in the Lower Body MoCap model?

Kind regards

To answer my own question. The references can be found in the ModelMuscleParameter.any: