I just started out and new to AnyBody.
I tried modelling a human raising a leg. Using the StandingModel, I commented out the driver that constraint the right leg to the ground. It seems to load but when I tried to run InverseDynamic it seems that there is some unresolved constraint.
Can someone teach me how do I adjust the driver so the right leg could be moveable and I can also run the InverseDynamicAnalysis?
if you remove a driver from the system, the balance between unknown and equations is out of balance, and therefore the system cannot resolve the inverse dynamics.
If you use the free posture example, the legs are free to move and you can easily model a human raising a leg…
I have done the modelling using the free posture example and it seems fine but when i tried to include muscle this error comes out
ERROR(SCR.EXP10) : C:/U…s/atiq/A…1/A…1/Body/A…n/Arm/Muscle.any : ‘InitWrapPosVectors’ : Expression evaluation failed at moment ‘Const’ :
C:\Users\atiq\AMMRV1.3.1\AMMRV1.3.1\Application\Examples\FreePostureMove\InitialPositionValues.any(43) : GlenohumeralAbduction : argument will not be ready for evaluation until moment ‘DesignVar’
Can I know the problem and how do I resolve it? Sorry for asking a lot of question.