I have a general question. I have a model in which a pedal is driven by 4 kinematic markers in the motionandparameteroptimization sequence and then by a .txt file of the motion data in the inversedynamicanalysis sequence. However, I am receiving an error that I have 2 more unknowns than constraints. I checked and the inverse dynamic study shows that I have 198 d.o.f. and 198 constraints. Therefore I must have 2 redundant constraints that do not help to account for all the d.o.f. My question is: what is the best way to find out what the 2 redundant constraints are? I have driven 6 degrees of freedom of the pedal seg in both sequences, so I do not understand how any of them could be redundant.
When reading you post i was in doubt if the problem you have is in the inverse dynamic analysis or when running the parameter study?
I will assume for now that it is in the inversedynamic study.
When running the mocap analysis it save all joints angles to a file which is then used subsequently in the inverse dynamic analysis to drive the model.
Normally this can not lead to such an error you get unless you have made changes to the way the model write and read in the motion between the studies.
You write that you have a pedal in the model, this could be the source of error. If the way the model exports the motion is unchanged the entire leg is driven, but unless you have added output for the pedal this is no longer driven?
There is no output from the model that will allow you directly address which dof are redundant, normally i would try to make a small stick figure sketch to display the different drivers, and in this way imagine what is driven and what is not.
You could also try to exclude the pedal and ensure the model is running then add it back to the model.