Save values of object without a study

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to save a specific attribute of an object in the Loading State without conducting any studies (since I haven't implemented any yet)?

For example, I'm interested in saving the JmatrixCoM of an AnyInertiaSolid object, which calculates its inertia properties based on the provided STL file. I aim to preserve these calculated inertia properties.

Anybody Code: My saving approach looks like this:

  AnyOutputFile output= {
  FileName = "Output.csv"; 
  //Pointer to  AnyInertiaSolid object "segInertia"
  AnyObjectPtrVar Ptr = &Main.segInertia.inertiaEllipsoid.JmatrixCoM;

  //Storing Values
  Values =  {Ptr};

This way I'm able to generate get an output folder in my file tree as expected. However, the file is not being stored, and when I attempt to save it manually (via save output), I encounter an error (SYS1) and anybody creates a file like this:

---- AnyBody Output File ---------------------------------
*Study: *
*Operation: *
*Constants (Name = Value): *
*Variables (Column# Name): *

I hope you could help me.
Best regards,

Hi Viktoria,

AnyOutputFile, as the reference manual says, can be used to save output from a study during its execution. So, you can make a small study with just the output file and without any other objects. Then, if you execute this study, you should be able to export the value.

Best regards,

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