I am using the standing model as template for modification and i want to change some muscle parameters without having to change the Mus.any file that is used by the complete repository. Is there any way to do this?
I tried using AnyOperationSetValue as pre-operation of the initial conditions but i always get an error saying that set value operation is not allowed on this object (tried changing PCSAfactor, StrengthScaleThigh).
Yes, that is exactly the way to set the value. It might be that these factors may not have the necessary evaluation moment (DesignVar) and, thus, could not be set - this means that a minor modification will be needed to the repository. You would need to wrap the initial value by DesignVar( ) - it will notify the system that this object can be set prior to the specified operation. This change should be safe and not functionally change the repository.
Example: AnyFloat myVar = DesignVar(0.0); // can now be set by AnyOperationSetValue command.
I would recommend to make an SVN, Git repository that will reflect your changes to the code. This way we could see what has been changed if you come up with other questions.
Dear Pavel,
I have one question again regarding the muscle modelling in combination with the 3 element hill muscle model.
If i want to change some parameters would it be better to change them before or after the muscle calibration sequence?
I think it should not matter much, but just keep in mind that the calibration changes the tendon lengths and they will be overwritten once the calibration study is performed.