Setting the expectations right - are you on active maintenance?

The AnyScript forum was introduced to all our users more than 10 years, and no doubt it has helped us support AnyBody users and share knowledge amongst those.

The idea in the early days was that users would support users and thus a growing wealth of knowledge on the forum.

However, the reality is that it has mainly been us at AnyBody Technology who answer questions on the forum. This we have accepted as it is a great support tool for our business anyways. Still, we encourage anyone to use the forum to help each other.

In return for our free support to you on the Anyscript forumt, we have always expected that you are on active maintenance for the AnyBody Modeling Systemâ„¢. Up until now we have not enforced this, but starting in Q2 2023 we will commence doing so.

As the Forum software does not require that you use easy identifiable information when you sign-up it is not straight forward for us to link all users on the forum to a license. Therefore, in some cases we might need your help to inform us about the organization (license owner) you are working for and the license no. With this information we will update your profile accordingly.

For now, you should not do anything else than just keep using the forum. We will get back to you if we need some validation of your user profile.