I am having trouble reducing the constraints and removing redundant mates of my SolidWorks Model. Even when I simplified the mates, used “KinSolOverDeterminate” in the Study section of the main file, and defining the constraints as “Soft”, I still receive a warning message “Model Warning: Study ‘Main.Study’ contains more reaction forces than rigid-body degrees of freedom of the segments. The model may be statically indeterminate." Another attempt to reduce the mates resulted in this warning message: “Model Warning: Study ‘Main.Study’ contains too few kinematic constraints to be kinematically determinate.” Is there a proper way to removing redundant mates and constraints so that my model can load successfully? I have included the original SW model without any modifications, as well as the model files…
Also, once that issue is solved, what should be included in the code for the drivers of the device in order to move the platform along the rails with the hand/arm moving along with it? Once the human model’s hand is connected to the platform, I want the motion to be similar to a shoulder exercise (see attached video). Thank you :)~
Thank you for your help and response! How would I define the connection between the platform and rail as a prismatic joint? I was adding the human model using the SolidWorks/AnyBody tutorial and was having trouble writing the code for the driver (similar to the code provided for MachineOperation.any file).
Also, is there a solidworks file for the solution you provided? I need to rotate the platform so that it is facing the human model like in the picture in my previous post. The revised anyscript file of the model is facing away from the human model. Thank you~
Edit: I revised the SolidWorks to reposition the model, however I am having trouble with defining the prismatic joint. How do I create the point-plane coincident joint?