I already installed Solidwork2Anybody and I initialized the add-in, but once I hit the Solidwork2Anybody option in SolidWorks program, it gives me nothing. Also, the help option in the same add-in is not working!
Please, let me know what to do to solve this problem.
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[li]Which version of SolidWorks are you using?
[/li][li]Please provide a few screendumps of what you are doing
On the other hand, the basic problem with my case that I am trying to import the attached model or frame from SolidWorks to AnyBody, but unfortunately once I hit [Solidwork2Anybody] it is not responding and gives nothing, also even the [Help] option gives me this message: "AnyScript Reference Manual Was Not Found!].
I am trying to attach a very simple frame with two joints to the human model, but every time it keeps giving me an error message! I attached the SolidWorks files and the AnyBody files in here for your reference. So please let me know how can get it done.
Attached is my simple exoskeleton model, two links and one revolute joint. every time i am trying to run the model, it gives me an error due to the initial conditions.
So, could you please help me to solve this problem?
Also, for a comparison issue, i am attaching another model done by Dr. Jung and it was working.