
Dear Dr. Jung,

I already installed Solidwork2Anybody and I initialized the add-in, but once I hit the Solidwork2Anybody option in SolidWorks program, it gives me nothing. Also, the help option in the same add-in is not working!

Please, let me know what to do to solve this problem.


Hi Hassan,

Sorry about the trouble,

In order for us to help you, please let us know the following:
[li]Which version of SolidWorks are you using?
[/li][li]Please provide a few screendumps of what you are doing

Best regards

Mr. Soren,

  1- I am using SolidWorks 2014 x64 Edition.
  2- I am trying to import the attached file [picture] to the human model    in AnyBody.


Hi Hassan,

Thanks for the info,

Please try to attach the picture again i could not see this, we would like to have picture displaying the menu item with the add-inn

Also please describe exactly what happen if anything when you press the menu item.

Best regards

Mr. Søren,

Please try to find the attached pictures.

On the other hand, the basic problem with my case that I am trying to import the attached model or frame from SolidWorks to AnyBody, but unfortunately once I hit [Solidwork2Anybody] it is not responding and gives nothing, also even the [Help] option gives me this message: "AnyScript Reference Manual Was Not Found!].


Dear Hassan,

SolidWorks2AnyBody only works when you are working with SolidWorks assembly models, not a single part.

The reason is that for single SolidWorks part, you can just save its geometry as STL file and extract its mass property using proper SolidWorks GUI.

Best regards,

Many Thanks Dr. Moonki, I will try to have the frame as an assembly.


Good Day All,

I am trying to attach a very simple frame with two joints to the human model, but every time it keeps giving me an error message! I attached the SolidWorks files and the AnyBody files in here for your reference. So please let me know how can get it done.


Dear Hassan,

First, you should simply the mates in your SolidWorks model.

It seems that now you have 3 parts in your assembly.
Then I would suggest you to use 2 hinge mates instead of your current mates.

After translating your SolidWorks model into AnyScript model,
then you should create some constraints between your parts and AnyBody human model.

Best regards,

Dear AnyBody Team,

Attached is my simple exoskeleton model, two links and one revolute joint. every time i am trying to run the model, it gives me an error due to the initial conditions.

So, could you please help me to solve this problem?

Also, for a comparison issue, i am attaching another model done by Dr. Jung and it was working.


Dear Hassan,

Attached please find the modified version of your model.

I tried to change some portions of your code. Please have a look at them.

Best regards,

Many thanks Dr. Jung,

That was perfect. Is it possible for my model to add another joint, Hinge joint, for the shoulder?
If yes, what are the things I have to take care of?


Dear Hassan,

I can’t tell what you should take care of regarding your future models.

You should understand what are required in order to finalize your models.

Best regards,

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