Spine Ligaments


I have a question regarding ligament calibration for a spine model. If I enable spine ligaments using the Body Model Plugin and perform RunAnalysis (which sequentially runs all studies), will the ligament lengths be calibrated automatically by the model, or do I need to define a new study for calibration? I am unsure whether the code is designed to calibrate the ligaments automatically or if I need to modify it and add a calibration study to the default studies in AMMR.v3.0.1.

Hi Mohamad,

Normally, muscle calibration is included automatically in the mocap RunAnalysis Operation if 3 element muscle model is used. However, it seems, if you only have spine ligaments, then the calibration operation is not included automatically. That is a bug and we will fix it in a future version. Thanks for bringing it to our attention :slight_smile:

Here is a work around till then:

Main = {
  Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.InverseDynamics.PreOperation = {
    AnyOperationSequence LigCalibration = {
      AnyOperation &LumbarLig = Main.HumanModel.Calibration.CalibrationSequence.LumbarLigCal0;
      AnyOperation &SILig = Main.HumanModel.Calibration.CalibrationSequence.SILigCal;

With these lines, whenever inverse dynamics is run, the calibration operation will be performed as well.

Best regards,