standing barbell lift exercise

Hello sir , I have edited the c3d file and all the markers are proper. But if i try to execute each step there is a problem and errors are coming every step please help me to rectify. Thank you

Time, ‘t’, has an invalid value for this interpolation, what is the error means. How can i solve.

please kindly oblige

Did you run the MotionAnsParameterOPtimization completely? This might take several minutes.

sir it is not loading at all please load once you will find the problem. There errors popping once we clear one error there is another error is being shown


Attached please find a modified version of your model.

What I have changed here are:

  1. Adjusted marker locations on the human model.
  2. Changed the kinematics tolerance.
  3. Put some frame offsets.

Best regards,

Hello sir

i have a new .c3d file of barbel lift exercise which has 1094 frames.when i load the file im getting error as indicated-
ERROR(SYS1) : Memory Allocation Error - Model is likely too large or has too many timesteps : Unknown error

Closing model…
Deleting last loaded model…

even though i change the frame offset im unable to load it and the error persists.


The problem is that the parameters that you entered are not exactly what you thought they were.

In the TrialSpecific you specified front and last frame, but you were supposed to use the offsets from the first and last frame of the C3D file (please read the comments). Once you fix them like the following code - everything works.

  // FrontFrameOffset is the offset value from the first frame of C3D file
  AnyIntVar FrontFrameOffset = 400;
  // LastFrameOffset is the offset value from the last frame of C3D file
  AnyIntVar LastFrameOffset  = 194;

But the error message and the error itself are wrong and need to be fixed. It is actually not a problem of the number of timeframes, but tStard vs tEnd.

Kind regards,