Sum of force output for multiple muscle fibers


I was wondering whether it is possible in AnyBody to obtain, from the results of a simulation, the total force generated by a group of muscle fascicles. For example, I would be interested in evaluating the total force of the Longissimus Thoracis, but in the chart of results, the Erector Spinae muscle folder contains several fascicles. I can see the Fout for each fascicle, but is there any way to obtain the total Fout of the Longissimus Thoracis?

Thank you,


Hi Michele

Yes this is possible, you can write something like this

 AnyVar ModelEnvelope = sum({Main.Model.HumanModel.Right.Leg.Mus.GluteusMaximus1.Activity,

You can also use a search function and write e.g.

AnyString MUS_Keyword ="Gluteus"

AnySearchFun sf_mus_force ={
   Search ="..REF_TO_MUSCLE_FOLDER_HERE." + .MUS_Keyword + "*.Ft";
AnyVector vec_mus_force=sf_mus_force();
AnyVar SumForce=sum(vec_mus_force);

Best regards

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Hello Søren,

thanks for replying me; I am sorry but I’m not sure I got it. Are the code examples to be included in the model before running the simulation, in order to have the desired output?
Is there any way to obtain what I would need after the simulation? I ask because the simulations I run are pretty slow and if possible it would be easier to avoid re-running them.

Many thanks,


Hi Michele,

I am sorry these lines needs to be included into the model before it runs…

Honestly i think i have done this thing long time ago, so without the need of a rerun and i have been trying to recreate this in different ways but i think it is not possible.

Best regards