I've seen that there are posts asking similar questions, but I have not been able to successfully implement them.
I would greatly appreciate any help with implementation.
I have a time series array that I have developed through Matlab consisting of acceleration at each time step.
Acc = [3.53,3.6,3.56,3.58,3.6,3.62,3.64,3.65,3.67,4.21,4.23,4.25,4.27]
I want to use this acceleration array to specify the driver acc at each time step in AnyBody.
I have tried the following method
DriverAcc = {Acc[Main.Study.iStep]};
However, I receive the error
ERROR(SCR.EXP10) : 50th Male - HCS G.Main.any(194) : 'DriverAcc' : Expression evaluation failed at moment 'DesignVar' :
50th Male - HCS G.Main.any(123) : Study.iStep : argument will not be ready for evaluation until moment 'TimeVar'
Model loading skipped
I assume that this is because iStep is not defined when I call it during model loading.
What is the appropriate method to use my Acc vector to specify the driver acc at each time step?