Hi there AnyBodyTeam,
in my LegTLEM\Mus.any-file I found an pre defined option for muscle wrapping when setting the TLEM_MORPHOLOGY parameter to “2”. While searching for an option to change the value I found the if-statements in GenericBodyModel\BodyModel.default.preprocess.any where “2” is defined when TLEM_VERSION “2.0” is used. Does that mean, that the predefined muscle wrapping option is just used if I use “2.0”? Where can I look up the differences between TLEM 1.1 and 2.0? I want to play around with the wrapping option to see how the joint reactions are changing.
Currently I’m working with the 6.0.2 version, the AMMR_161 an the MoCapModel.
King Regards,