I’d like to translate the insertions of the infraspinatus muscle along the scapula ref frame.
I work in the HumerusBoneGeometry file, where the insertions are defined.
First I dumped “Axes” of the scapula ref frame, which will be used for the transformation in the scapula ref frame:
AnyFolder landmarks_globaltranslation ={
AnyMat33 scapula_cs = {{0.270262, -0.1210351, -0.9551487}, {0.3376548, 0.9409716, -0.02369822}, {0.9016361, -0.3161058, 0.2951769}};
AnyVec3 Ins_infra1_global = {0.0,0.0,-0.02}*scapula_cs'; //the vector shall be the translation of the insertion nodes
AnyVec3 Ins_infra1_isb_trans = Ins_infra1_global;
AnyRefNode I_infraspinatus_1 = {sRel = .Scale({(-0.000091+.xi), 0.029001+.yi , 0.014576+.zi}+.OffSet)*.Mirror+.i_x1y1z1+.landmarks_globaltranslation.Ins_infra1_isb_trans;};
But the nodes always translate along the humerus ref frame…why?
Or is the right way to transform the vector of the insertion node into the scapula system, add the translation, and than transform it back into the initial system?
Thx for ur help!
EDIT: solved!
AnyVec3 Ins_infra1_global = {0.0,0.0,-0.02}scapula_cs’ [b] Axes of humerus ref frame[/b];