Tutorial: Making Things Move "Pendulum.any"

Hi, I am new to AnyBody and I am currently testing the software with the one month trial (5 days left) on behalf of the University of Central Lancashire.

Slowly working my way through the tutorials and I am having problems with Lesson 1 - making things move with a pendulum.

I have followed the instructions at url http://www.anybodytech.com/fileadmin/AnyBody/Docs/Tutorials/Making_things_move/lesson1.html

Here is my code

[SIZE=3]// Model for the “Making Things Move” tutorial.
[/SIZE]Main = {

[SIZE=3]// The actual body model goes in this folder
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]AnyFolder[/SIZE] MyModel = {

[SIZE=3]// Global Reference Frame
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]AnyFixedRefFrame[/SIZE] GlobalRef = {
}; [SIZE=3]// Global reference frame
[SIZE=3]AnySeg[/SIZE] Pendulum = {
Mass = 1;
Jii = {1, 0.01, 1}/15;
[SIZE=3]AnyRefNode[/SIZE] Origin = {
sRel = {0, 0.5, 0};
[SIZE=3]AnyRefNode[/SIZE] P1 = {
sRel = {0, -0.5, 0};
[SIZE=3]AnyDrawSeg[/SIZE] drw = {};
[SIZE=3]AnyKinMotion[/SIZE] JointDriver =
[SIZE=3]AnyRevoluteJoint[/SIZE] &Jnt = .Joint;
[SIZE=3]AnyFunPolynomial[/SIZE] DriverFun = {
PolyCoef = {{0, 3, 5}};
[SIZE=3]//MeasureOrganizer = {};
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//CType = ;
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//WeightFun = {};
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//DriverPos0 = {};
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//DriverVel0 = {};
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//DriverAcc0 = {};
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//AnyKinMeasure &<Insert name0> = <Insert object reference (or full object definition)>; You can make any number of these objects!
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]//AnyParamFun &<Insert name0> = <Insert object reference (or full object definition)>; You can make any number of these objects!
[SIZE=3]AnyRevoluteJoint[/SIZE] Joint = {
[SIZE=3]AnyRefFrame[/SIZE] &Ground = .GlobalRef;
[SIZE=3]AnyRefFrame[/SIZE] &Pendulum = .Pendulum.Origin;

}; [SIZE=3]// MyModel
[SIZE=3]// The study: Operations to be performed on the model
[/SIZE][SIZE=3]AnyBodyStudy[/SIZE] MyStudy = {
[SIZE=3]AnyFolder[/SIZE] &Model = .MyModel;
Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};

}; // Main

[SIZE=2]when I reload the model I get the following error msg

[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]ERROR(SCR.PRS23)[/SIZE] : [SIZE=1]C:/Users/b…i/AnyBody WIP/pendulum.any[/SIZE] : ‘JointDriver’ : Expression assignments are not allowed in declarations of AnyFolder objects
Model loading skipped

[SIZE=2]when I drill into this for an explanation I get

ERROR(SCR.PRS23) : ‘FileName(LineNo)’ : ‘TokenString’ : Expression assignments are not allowed in declarations of AnyFolder objects

Folder objects cannot be assigned with an expression. In this particular case, the error occur during in the declaration of the object. Maybe a reference operator is missing if you wanted to make a reference to another objects. Possible syntax:
<folder_class_name> &<reference_name> = <object_name (complete or relative)>;
<folder_class_name> <object_name> = { … };
where the former is a reference declaration and assignment and the latter is a folder declaration and assignment.

[SIZE=2]please help because I would like to move onto the next lessons before the trial expires

Hello Barry,

This is just a typo:

[SIZE=3]AnyKinMotion[/SIZE] JointDriver =
[SIZE=3]AnyRevoluteJoint[/SIZE] &Jnt = .Joint;
[SIZE=3]AnyFunPolynomial[/SIZE] DriverFun = {
PolyCoef = {{0, 3, 5}};


[SIZE=3]AnyKinMotion[/SIZE] JointDriver = {
[SIZE=3]AnyRevoluteJoint[/SIZE] &Jnt = .Joint;
[SIZE=3]AnyFunPolynomial[/SIZE] DriverFun = {
PolyCoef = {{0, 3, 5}};

thanks very much for the quick reply, it works :slight_smile:

// Model for the “Making Things Move” tutorial.

Main = {

// The actual body model goes in this folder
AnyFolder MyModel = {

// Global Reference Frame
AnyFixedRefFrame GlobalRef = {
}; // Global reference frame

AnySeg Pendulum = {
Mass = 1;
Jii = {1, 0.01, 1}/15;
AnyRefNode Origin = {
sRel = {0, 0.5, 0};
AnyRefNode P1 = {
sRel = {0, -0.5, 0};
AnyDrawSeg drw = {};
AnyInputC3D C3D =
FileName = “pendulum.c3d”;
//ReadAllDataOnOff = On;
//TruncateExtraCharsInNamesOnOff = On;
//MakeNameUniqueStr = “_”;
//PointsScaleFactor = 1;
ConstructModelOnOff = Off;
ConstructChartOnOff = Off;
//ConstructWeightFunUsingResidualOnOff = Off;
//MarkerUseAllPointsOnOff = Off;
//MarkerUseCamMaskOnOff = On;
//MarkerIndices = {};
//MarkerLabels = {};
//MarkerFilterIndex = 0;
//ProcessedDataFilterIndex = 0;
//AnalogFilterIndex = -1;
/Filter =
z0 = {};
AutomaticInitialConditionOnOff = On;
FilterForwardBackwardOnOff = On;
N = 2;
W = {};
Fs = 0;
Fc = {10};
Type = LowPass;
//WeightThreshold = 0;
//WeightOutput = {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}};
//WeightTransitionTime = 0.1;
//SearchAndReplace = {};
//WriteMarkerDataToFilesOnOff = Off;
//MarkerScaleXYZ = {0.025, 0.025, 0.025};
//MarkerRGB = {0.65, 0.65, 0.65};
//MarkerDrawOnOff = On;
//MarkerInterPolType = Bspline;
//MarkerBsplineOrder = 8;

AnyKinDriverMarker C3Dmotion =
//MeasureOrganizer = {};
//CType = ;
//WeightFun = {};
//DriverPos0 = {};
//DriverVel0 = {};
//DriverAcc0 = {};
AnyRefFrame &Marker = .Pendulum.P1;
//AnyRefFrame &<Insert name1> = <Insert object reference (or full object definition)>;
AnyParamFun &Trajectory =
AnyDrawKinMeasure drw =
//Visible = On;
//Opacity = 1;
//RGB1 = {0.8, 0.3, 0.3};
//RGB2 = {0.3, 0.8, 0.3};
//RGB3 = {0.3, 0.3, 0.8};
//RGB4 = {0.8, 0.5, 0.2};
Label = Off;
Size = 0.07;
Line = Off;
//Text = “”;
//TextSize = 30;
//AnyStyleDrawMaterial &<Insert name0> = <Insert object reference (or full object definition)>; You can make any number of these objects!

AnyRevoluteJoint Joint = {
AnyRefFrame &Ground = .GlobalRef;
AnyRefFrame &Pendulum = .Pendulum.Origin;

}; // MyModel

// The study: Operations to be performed on the model
AnyBodyStudy MyStudy = {
AnyFolder &Model = .MyModel;
Gravity = {0.0, -9.81, 0.0};
AnyIntVar FirstFrame = Main.MyModel.C3D.Header.FirstFrameNo;
AnyIntVar LastFrame = Main.MyModel.C3D.Header.LastFrameNo;
tStart = FirstFrame/Main.MyModel.C3D.Header.VideoFrameRate+2Kinematics.ApproxVelAccPerturb;
tEnd = LastFrame/Main.MyModel.C3D.Header.VideoFrameRate-2
InitialConditions.SolverType = KinSolOverDeterminate;
Kinematics.SolverType = KinSolOverDeterminate;