Tutorial 'Muscle Modeling' - Lesson 5 Muscle Models

My results are in agreement with those of the tutorial until I apply the load to the model - I do not get the same shape of the Lm curve (see Lm.jpg). I even tried copying the lines straight from the tutorial but this did not help.

I have just run the same analysis with MuscleDemo.5-2.any (the working model that you can download). This gives the same result that I got i.e. different to that shown in the tutorial. Is this also a case of having a different version as the muscle seems to be working in a different manner? If so can you explain the difference?


I just checked and this is not a version problem, all AnyBody versions will give the same result you had. It is the model itself. For some reasons the load applied on the hand is too low. Try with F = {-600, -600, 0}; and you will get results similar to the tutorial.
We will correct that in the next update.

Best regards, Sylvain.