Unit use in AnyBody Modeling System?

Hello everyone,
I’m new to AnyBody Modeling System.
I’m trying to make a dimension for a segment. However, I don’t know the unit use in AnyBody. Is it SI unit? Can anyone help me?

The Repository uses SI Units.

SI units are based on meters, kilograms and seconds. They are consistent and therefore eliminate the possibility of miscalculations due to hidden conversion factors. For instance, a seemingly consistent use of millimeters instead of meters in a model may lead to the devious error of square root 1000 in some types of calculations. The AnyBody Modeling System expects all angles to be specified in radians. If you feel more comfortable working with degrees you can use expressions to convert to radians like this example where we specify an angle of 30 degrees:

AnyVar KneeAngle = 30*Pi/180;

  • Kasper

Thanks for the information.

  • qawiem